Due to the high interest in this meeting, we have reached our capacity and event registration is now closed.
We apologize for any inconvenience and will work to ensure we can accommodate all who want to attend moving forward!
Join Us for our March Chapter Meeting
featuring Rand Stagen speaking on
Stakeholder Orientation
This is a must-attend learning event where Rand will:
- Introduce stakeholder theory in the context of the 4 pillars of conscious capitalism
- Explore the role of leadership and culture as key drivers of stakeholder success
- Share stakeholder case studies
- Facilitate experiential exercise where attendees will complete their own stakeholder map
Rand Stagen is the Managing Director of the Stagen Leadership Academy. Established in 1999, the Academy trains leaders from across North America who are committed to long-term personal development and using their organizational platforms for positive impact. He is a former Chapter President of Young Entrepreneur's Organization (YEO) and a past Chairman / current board member of Conscious Capitalism Inc. Rand is a sought-after speaker to diverse audiences at universities, conferences, and industry events on the topic of leading conscious businesses.
When: Friday, March 24th
Where: The Original Pancake House
Time: 7:15 AM
Breakfast: 7:15am - 8am
Speaker starts at 8am
Meeting ends at 9am
New This Month
You must register for the meeting and indicate whether you are eating breakfast or not.
If you have any questions, info@consciouscapdallas.org and we will get back with you as soon as possible.